Full Tilt .NET Onyx Cup – Round 1 (1,500 chips)
Spent some of my FTP points buying into the entry level of the Onyx Cup ladder. Given the way things went at the end of last week, I guess it’s all for the best that I didn’t get too far and get very invested in the process.
13 minutes, 15 hands. Placed 118th of 360.
Full Tilt .NET Onyx Cup – Round 1 (1,500 chips)
Five minutes after the first attempt. I’m back. This one’s more brutal than the last as pocket aces suck me down fast.
3 minutes, 4 hands. Even so I was 243rd of 360.
Full Tilt Satellite to the $200K Double Deuce (1,500 chips)
Fifth hand got me off to a quick start with [ks 9s] in the SB. I saw the flop with four others for 120 after a raise from UTG1. Got top pair with [kh 7h 2s] and pushed all-in for 2,380. BB raised nearly his entire stack, for 4,880. CO called all-in at 1,335. BB had a flush draw with [th 6h], CO’s kicker was better: [kd ah]. Turn [7c] didn’t change anything but the [kc] river gave me and CO kings full of sevens, and I got the bulk of the pot since CO’s contribution was smaller than mine.
Took a huge hit not long thereafter with [td kc] in UTG. I limped in for 60, SB called, BB raised to 240. I called and SB called. Flop was [jh as 6s], BB opened with 360, I called. BB kept pushing and I kept calling until the river when for some reason I pushed all-in with nothing more than a bluff for a flush. BB had top two pair on the flop but not quite as many chips as me; I lost more than 3,200 chips and had 155 left. That was gone in two hands.
20 minutes, 21 hands.
Full Tilt $1 Main Event Satellite (1,500 chips)
If I can’t get to the WSOP through the home league POY, I thought I’d try the even more difficult path through a massive qualifier (via FTP point buy-in). Another tournament without much traction, went out with [ah 4h].
17 minutes, 18 hands.
Full Tilt Round 1 Freeroll (1,500 chips)
Wanted to build my bankroll up and I really hadn’t been taking advantage of the freerolls. Got off to a great start on the first hand with [js ah] in CO. I raised to 600, expecting a couple of callers since it was a freeroll, and sure enough both the blinds came along. The flop was [th 6c 3s]. BB bet 30 more and I raised all-in to 900. SB folded but BB called and showed [as 2d]. The turn was [qc] and river was [6h]; I ended up at 3,630.
The ninth hand put me over 5,000 chips but on eleven I had [9h 9s] and was beat by [6s 8h] that made a full house by the river.
18 minutes, 11 hands. Finished 4,213rd of 7,179.