Sat quietly for 35 hands, then open-raised to 2.4BB with [js ah] from HJ. BTN re-raised to 8BB and I called. Flop was [4s 7s 9d], I bet 5.2BB, BTN raised to 16BB and I called. [7h] for the turn. I bet all-in with 27.4BB and BTN folded, earning me 22.2BB.
Made my big killing with [ad ac] on BTN. HJ limped in, I raised to 3.2BB. Only called was HJ. Flop hit [8h 4s qs]. HJ checked and I bet 2.8BB, getting re-raised to 5.6BB, which I three-bet all-in for 70.8BB. HJ called quick and showed [qc kc]. I took in 139.8BB total. Hung around for a while after that without managing to lose it but I should have exited and banked the profit before doing anything else.
32 minutes, 67 hands. +124BB.
Just minor losses and fewer wins for fifty hands here, then I picked up [jd kh] as UTG3. Open-raised to 2BB, got calls from BTN and the blinds. Flop was [th 2s 3h] and we checked all around. [2h] for the turn. I opened with 3.2BB bet, only SB stayed in. [8h] on the river and I had second nut flush. SB went all-in and I had to follow. Of course he had the [ah].
Re-bought and laid low again for forty hands. Got [qh qd] as UTG and raised to 2.2BB. UTG1 immediately three-bet to 8.6BB and everyone dropped out until it got round to me again. I four-bet to 46.8BB and this time UTG1 just called. The flop was [4s tc ad] and I put him to the test with an all-in of 42.4BB. He folded.
Nothing else really dramatic. I did manage to draw out 19BB from a pair of jacks by weak-playing some aces. I didn’t quite manage to make my original buy-in back.
40 minutes, 158 hands. 2 buy-ins. -28BB.
Full Tilt $4,500 KO Guarantee (2,000 chips)
Had a brief dip for a couple of hands at the beginning then with 1,830 chips and [qh as] in my hand as SB I open-raised to 50 from 10/20. BB came along. Flop was a safe [3s ah 7d], I bet 100, BB went all-in for 2,340, and I called. He had bottom pair with [td 3c]. Two [4x] showed for the turn and river and I was up to 3,680.
Had a few smaller wins after that but my participation was short. I had my own [th 3h] in the BB at 20/40, with 4800 chips. Four players limped in and I checked my option. The flop looked good: [8h 3d 5h]. SB bet 200, I called, UTG went all-in for 5,760, and I was the only caller.He had [9s 8d] for top pair but I was a slight statistical leader going into the turn. That, unfortunately, was [9c]. Now I needed to make the flush or a [7x] for a straight. It was [6c] on the river, though, and I was out.
28 minutes, 29 hands. Finished 1,179 or 1,591 players. No bounties.
Was down over 26BB (out of 80 to start) after 23 hands and got incredibly lucky on the river. Had [ks 6s] on BTN, open-raised to 2.2BB, BB re-raised to 3.8, I called, and I hit top pair on [kd 5h 7d]. BB checked, I bet 8BB, BB re-raised to 16, and I was all-in for 48.6. BB called and showed [ac ad]. [qs] for the turn seemed to spell doom, but my kicker paired the [6c] river card, so I was positive again, with a win of 46.6BB.
Managed to increase it to a profit of more than 52% but didn’t get out for some reason. Then I overplayed [jc kh] against [qh qd]—which drew a set on the flop—and lost nearly 58BB.
[kc 6c] came through for me again, putting me back into positive territory briefly, but [as ts] lost out to a pair of kings, then my flopped set of jacks hit a set of aces on the turn and I was out.
23 minutes, 81 hands. -80BB.
Skimmed along at the break-even point for most of this first game after the news of Black Friday broke. Only one win or loss greater than 6BB for eighty hands. Then, in the BB, I had [2s 6d] and two limpers ahead of me. The flop gave me two pair—[6c kc 2h]—but it was a bit weighted for a flush. Everyone cheched to the [ac] on the turn. Everyone checked again. River was [8d]. SB went all-in for 54BB with a pot of only 3BB. It seemed like a steal, but it wasn’t. When I called he had the nuts: [qc jc].
I still had about 4BB left but that went away on the next hand.
21 minutes, 88 hands. -80BB.
Got down more than two-and-a-half buy-ins in this last outing on the Rush tables for who knows how long. Managed to gain a little back with [ts qc] outdrawing flopped double-paired [kh ad] to a club flush on the river.
39 minutes, 169 hands. -39BB.
Full Tilt $2,500 Rush Guarantee (1,500 chips)
The first thing I noticed on this tournament is that the guarantee has been dropped from its usual 10K to a quarter of that. Why am I playing it? How am I playing it? Apparently, the software updates haven’t caught up to me yet by this time Friday eventing. As for why, if the money’s just sitting there on Full Tilt, why not? It’s not like I’ll be able to get it any time soon.
I’m down to 1,365 after a few minutes, with [kd 2d] on BTN. I min-raise to 60, both blinds call. Flop is good-ish with [6c ks 5h]. Both blinds check, I bet 180, BB calls. [9c] for the turn, checks from both of us. [9s] on the river. BB checks, I bet 300, he calls and his king kicker isn’t great but it’s better than mine: [kq 7s]. Down to 825.
I go all-in with 720 and [ks ts] from UTG1, [ah 9h] calls from BB, and I double up when I pair the ten on the flop. Then I take another hit down to 900 a quarter-hour in. A couple of good hands let me eke back up over 1,400 before I hit paydirt at the half-hour mark.
Blinds are 30/60. UTG1 limps in. I had [as kd] as HJ and raise to 210. BTN and UTG1 call. Flop is ugly, with someone else’s flush draw and only an inside straight draw for me: [qh 2c th]. UTG1 checks, I go all-in for 1,167. BTN has only 875 and calls, he’s got a set: [tc td]. My straight comes through on the turn with [js]. If UTG1 had the flush draw, they’d have been unhappy to see the [ah] on the river. I take the pot and I’m up to 2,762. The EV graph in PokerTracker did not like that move.
I make another 500 with [ks ah] two hands later, then 600 with [7c 5c] a couple hands after that. That was pretty much the peak, though, and after that it was mostly downhill.
41 minutes, 124 hands. Finished 129 of 559.
And that was my last game on Full Tilt for a while.