So. No Shooting Star Satellite last week. This week and next were/are too jammed with other stuff to make a trip, I’m otherwise occupied tomorrow, the day of the big $20K-to-first game at Final Table, so I’m going to try to make it for part of the Muckleshoot series next weekend, if my jury duty doesn’t interfere.
Bovada 0.5/1 NLHE Zone 6-Max
Positive if I hadn’t gotten my aces cracked by a flush draw all-in before the river.
Ten sessions. Ninety-five minutes. 364 hands. -83BB
Final Table $20K NLHE
I was talking to one of my table-mates about having busted on the bubble in two tournaments over the previous two days and vowed not to have that happen again. We were down to 24 players, 20 places paid. I had [tx tx] in the BB with just under average stack, about 135K. An active player with a larger stack (though not incredibly large) raises to 35K, action folds to me, I shove the tens, he calls for more than half his stack with [6x 6x]. Flop is [6x 7x 8x] and I don’t get either a ten or a nine. Three bubble in two days; call me a liar. That puts the nail in any hopes to get down to the $500K at the Wynn Classic (see this week’s Deal in the Planner, there’s still time for you, Ebenezer….)
Six hours and forty-five minutes. 24th of 151 entries.
Bovada $200 Omaha Hi-Lo
Never really got much going in this, but I did make it nearly to the money.
One hour and fifty minutes. 95 hands. 8th of 26 entries.
Bovada $1K NLHE 6-Max
I shouldn’t have played in this one. The only thing with more variance than a 6-Max tournament is late-regging a 6-Max tournament. Started with 19BB, went out with 10BB.
Fifty minutes. 55 hands. 43rd of 76 entries.
Bovada $3K NLHE Turbo
This was a deepstacked tournament, where we had 500BB to start. I was down just a little from starting stack and made a cold four-bet with [as kd] in BB, and got it all in pre-flop against [qd qc].
Forty-five minutes. 30 hands. 113th of 143 entries.
Bovada $4K NLHE 6-Max
Never really got much going here, either. Took a shot with [ac 5c] against three bigger stacks and lost to a pair of sevens.
Ninety-nine minutes. 90 hands. 37th of 106 entries.
Bovada $5K NLHE Thousandaire Maker
I was trying to multi-table this and the 6-Max above on my Windows laptop, but the current version of the client software was killing me by locking up. On hand 25, I can see I’m dealt [ah ac] in HJ, but when I try to make a raise, the button doesn’t do anything. I’m down 800 from the 2.5K starting stack (table is seven-handed, it’s a great place to open, but by the time the client refreshes, I’m folded and my aces just sit there like dead fish. A pair of nines UTG limps, [qh kh] limps in from the SB and takes the hand after making top pair on the flop and betting the turn. He might have won on the river, but I know all my chips were going to be in before the turn. After that, I petered out into oblivion.
Seventy minutes. 70 hands. 54th of 86 entries.
Bovada $10K NLHE
I had just knocked a short-stacked player out with [qh qs] v [5d ad] and pushed my up to 35BB, which was in decent position to make the money. We were only 100 from the money. I make a call for half my stack with [qd kh] against [ac 7c] and almost make a heart flush, then three hands later go all-in pre-flop with15BB and [kh ks] and get called by a guy who’s got me covered by less than 10BB, with [8h jh], who makes a back-door flush after I flop a set.
Three hours. 118 hands. 255th of 1,139 entries.
Bovada $1K NLHE 6-Max Turbo
Don’t late-reg 6-Max Turbos, either. Out table is mostly new all late-reg. I’m down to 4.2K from 5K starting on hand 6, [8s 8c] in CO five-handed. I call a UTG min-raise to 800. BB shoves 5BB. UTG has nearly 20BB and shoves over the top. I have 2BB in the pot and just over 10BB, so I’m all-in to call. BB shoved [3c 7h], UTG shoved [jd qh], flops a jack and rivers two pair.
Five minutes. 6 hands. 43rd of 76 entries.
Bovada $1K NLHE
More on this one later. Nice to take first place every now and then. Had one really lucky break that I can recall at this point, got to HU with just a slight chip advantage, lost a big hand [as kc] against a pair but didn’t let it rattle me, tried to have the best hand at showdowns, and wrapped it up in about 30 hands.
Three hours and twenty minutes. 249 hands. 1st of 112 entries. +2,245% ROI.
Bovada $4K NLHE
In the CO with 25BB and [ad as], about two-thirds of the way through the field after late-regging and tripling up my stack, UTG raises to just under 3BB, I 3-bet to a little over 8BB, and he shoves [jc jh]. A pair of nines on the flop, and [jd] on the turn.
One hour. 61 hands. 55th of 151 entries