See anyone there you know? Not know in the “I’ve seen them on TV” sense like Hellmuth, Dwan, or Mizrachi, but someone from your very own Portland poker room? Yes, the third image is Justin “Red” Phillips, an integral part of the Final Table shootout operation, and one of the featured players in the semi-finals of Poker Update’s “Most Memorable Televised Poker Hand of All Time” contest.
This stage of the contest ends Tuesday. Phillips’s royal flush over quad aces (“Quad Aces No Good”) is up agains Mizrachi’s suck-resuck-resuck hand over Matt Jarvis with [ad qd] against [9h 9c] on a runout of [qs 8d qc 9s as]; both hands come from WSOP Main Events (2008 and 2011, if I remember correctly). Red’s hand was behind 48%/52% when I first saw this today and posted in the NW Poker Facebook group; since then we’ve managed to pump it up to 63%/37%. Only 73 votes (20 of those in the last couple of hours, mostly for Red).
Spread the word and check in after Tuesday to vote in the final!