Puffmammy Tournament 21 (1,500 chips)
Another grisly night as my three-month POY lead slips further into history. I had one premium pair the entire night, [ax ax] that I was in great position to call a series of three-bets leading to an all-in by G, to my immediate left. I had him covered, I had the best cards possible, and he was groaning when he saw what his [kx kx] was up against. Needless to say, another [kx] showed on the flop and I was short-stacked. The other notable hand of the night I was holding [kd jd] and that paired a [kx] on the flop. Two other players (on a six-player table) had the other kings, one with a low kicker that gave him two pair on the flop, but [9x 9x] on the turn counterfeited the lower pair and the pot went to the hand holding [ax kx].
Two rebuys and an add-on only got me as far as 10th place out of 12. Third prize for the night equalled my contributions to the pot. D took first place and extended his POY lead substantially with a number of points for this one event equal to twice the points I’ve picked up in the past five events.
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