I’m up, I’m down, I’m up, I’m down, I get [jd jh] and get busted by a backdoor flush.
285 hands per hour. Is that too many? I play for 16 minutes, I hit 17.5BB/100 but I’ve been underwater most of the time.
I never manage to get above even over 12 minutes and a double-ended flush draw on the flop goes nowhere to knock me out.
Full Tilt Midnight Madness! (1,500 chips)
My first hand and I can’t resist going all-in with [kd td] on a flop of 6d 4c 5d]. Of course no more diamonds show and the best I have is a match to my ten on the river against pocket queens. I buy in with another entry and try to play it a bit close to the vest but when people are beating your [ks 9s] with [6s td], it’s time to hang it up. OK, maybe I deserved to lose pushing with my [9s 9h] on a [js 6d 6h] board, but not to [jd 7c].
Full Tilt $2,500 KO Guarantee (2,000 chips)
Had a couple of successes but I was determined not to suffer the fate of my brash Madness! attempts. Unfortunately, after flopping a king-high straight in my first half-hour the cards dried up and I was blinded off from 4,000 down to about 2,500 over most of the course of my 100 minutes of play. A large stack with [ah jh] put paid to my [as 5s] and another player’s [ac kc] in one swoop.
Full Tilt $10,000 Rush Guarantee (1,500 chips)
I got into this half an hour in, at the 30/60 level but half the field had been eliminated already. That made the top stacks a bit difficult to catch but potentially my standing was closer to the money. I think that was probably an illusion though. Got knocked out with [8h th] in my hand and [ah 5h kh] on the flop. Guy to my left had [9h qh] for the nut flush.
First out. Straight got me.
Slow and steady wins the Step 2 ticket. I need to figure out what I’m doing here that I’m not doing elsewhere.
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